Construction Monkey

Wire Table

3D Labor Projections

This is a simple table to provide you with all of the pertinent NEC code data for wires. If your looking for one place to see all conductor, properties Construction Monkey has it for you.

Conductor Material:
Insulation Type:
Conduit Material Type:


  1. Impedance is calculated utilizing a 0.85 power factor.
  2. Maximum Length is based on 3% of the voltage value given and a power load that is 80% of the 75°C allowable ampacity.
Construction Monkey

3D Labor Projections

Labor Forecasts that include three (3) scientific data points: Remaining Hours, Jobsite Productivity Performance, and Qualified Expert Opinions. These are combined utilizing our proprietary algorithm to provide you with the most probable forecasted labor hours.

No guarantees are made as to the accuracy of the calculation or compliance with local codes.  Verify all calculations with a professional engineer. If you find an error, or have a suggestion, please send us an email.
