Smash Budgets with Daily Productivity Goals
Hour Estimator
Need to find out the total hours it will take to complete a task given a quantity and the hours to install each unit?
Fill in the required information below and click "Estimate Hours" to get your result
Enter information above and click on the "Estimate Hours" button to get your project projection.
1Days are equal to an eight (8) hour shift for one worker or an 8 hour worker day
2Cost Savings Chart is calculated utilizing $5000/hour
Smash Budgets with Daily Productivity Goals
Track. Understand. Improve.
Do your crews know the production goals for the day? Are they based on budget expectations and actual productivity on the project?
Let them know what's expected of them every day to help them maintain focus for peak productivity.
All of it done without any additional work on your part.
No guarantees are made as to the accuracy of the calculation or compliance with
local codes. Verify all calculations with a professional engineer. If you
find an error, or have a suggestion, please send us an