Construction Monkey

Know Your Client

Knowing your customer will improve how you bid to them. Use to automatically track your company's success with your customers.

Customer List

  • Quickly view a list of customers - designated as Target, Listed, or Non-listed customers
  • Instantly see your top customers by current projects (based on revenue) and by hit ratio.

Customer Detail

  • Assign a customer team leader from your company.
  • Operational and financial rankings.
  • Add client notes.
  • Assign customer's yearly total volume potential.
  • Enter the customer's decision makers.
  • View pending projects with the client (automatically updated when adding the customer to a project).
  • View all projects with this client within the last 12 months.
  • Quickly see what type of projects you are bidding with the customer.
  • A chart to see how much you have bid with the customer by month.

Construction Monkey
