Company NameStreetCity, State Postal Code |
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
First Name Last Name |
e: Email |
Company Name |
t: N/A |
Street |
f: N/A |
City, State Postal Code |
Project |
Reference |
Dear First Name:
We bid this project based on your having the work on the project in such condition that on Start Date, we could start our work in the Area of Work and continue work uninterrupted until its conclusion utilizing one (1) crew. We have scheduled our entire operation to have this work completed by Date work was to be completed. This letter will serve to confirm your verbal directive today in which you directed us to stop work at the job site since our work areas will not be made available to us until a later date. You further advised us that we cannot recommence work until you notify us. Your directive will require us to reschedule our crew, store our materails at the job site, rehandle it, perform our work in periouds of higher wage rates, out of the normal sequence of doing such work and at times of adverse weather which otherwise would not have been encountered. All of these will entail additional labor and additional cost to us and, as we advised you today, all these additional costs and expenses will be for your account and we expect you to promptly pay us for these additional costs and expenses. We also expect and are entitled to receive a commensurate extension of contract time.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Company Name
First Name Last Name