Company NameStreetCity, State Postal Code |
Monday, March 31, 2025
First Name Last Name |
e: Email |
Company Name |
t: N/A |
Street |
f: N/A |
City, State Postal Code |
Project |
Reference |
Dear First Name:
This will confirm our telephone conversation on Date of Conversation, in which I gave notice to and advised you of the existence of a mistake in our bid submitted on this project. The mistake involves an error in the total amount of Amount of Error resulting from Reason for Mistake. This error is reflected in the total bid price and thus this mistake should be added to the total computation of our total bid.
In view of the nature and amount of the bid mistake, we hereby respectfully request that we be permitted to correct the mistake, and that the contract be awarded to our company as the low responsive bidder for the price reflected by the bid mistake correction. Please advise the undersigned as to any supporting documentation you will need in order to verify the existence of the mistake, and it will be promptly transmitted to you. It is understood that if you deny our request to correct our bid mistake, then you may not under any circumstance rely on our mistaken bid and it is withrawn.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Company Name
First Name Last Name