Company NameStreetCity, State Postal Code |
Saturday, February 22, 2025
First Name Last Name |
e: Email |
Company Name |
t: N/A |
Street |
f: N/A |
City, State Postal Code |
Project |
Reference |
Dear First Name:
We have received your Verbal or Written directive to Work to Perform. You should note that this work is not presently within the scope of our contract, and, therefore, we will require additional compensation. Our price for this extra work is Amount of Change.
This price does not include costs for delays, disruption, rescheduling, acceleration, extended overhead, or other impact costs which may be incurred as a result of this extra work. Therefore, we expressly reserve the right to subsequently claim these attendant costs, in addition to a commensurate extension of time prior to the final settlement of our contract.
Unless immediately advised otherwise, we will proceed with this extra work as you have directed. Please issue your change order for the above amount accordingly.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Company Name
First Name Last Name