Company NameStreetCity, State Postal Code |
Saturday, February 22, 2025
First Name Last Name |
e: Email |
Company Name |
t: N/A |
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f: N/A |
City, State Postal Code |
Project |
Reference |
Dear First Name:
We are in receipt of Change Order Number which directs us to implement a change at a price not to exceed Price Cap. While this might be a reasonable estimate of the equitable adjustment at this time, we have not yet fully implemented the change nor conducted a detailed analysis of the cost impact of the change.
In view of these circumstances, we cannot agree to be bound and do not agree to be bound by the ceiling amount stated in the change order. We are proceeding to implement the change as directed by you and the change order with the understanding that our right to receive an equitable adjustment is not limited to such ceiling amount.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Company Name
First Name Last Name